USASOA Homeless Veterans Outreach Program

Supporting Our Homeless and Elderly Veterans Who Are Food Insecure

John Yori, President of USASOA delivers our monthly FOOD SUPPLY DROP to the Kevin Morton, VA Homeless Veterans Coordinator at the VA Homeless Shelter , 1500 Franklin St. NE, Washington, DC 20018 for direct distribution to our homeless and elderly veterans who are food insecure. Please help us continue our monthly deliveries by clicking the donate button below.

In accordance with our mission, USASOA continually strategizes to remain relevant to the changing needs of our veteran community at large. Thousands of veterans who once swore to defend this nation with their lives, now live on the very streets of t…

In accordance with our mission, USASOA continually strategizes to remain relevant to the changing needs of our veteran community at large. Thousands of veterans who once swore to defend this nation with their lives, now live on the very streets of that same wealthy nation. While accomplishments have and continue to be made by federal and state agencies and other nonprofit organizations, it takes a multifaceted approach combining both awareness and properly funded preventive programs to effectively respond to the challenges and issues facing veteran homelessness.

USASOA is a veteran service organization dedicated to ensuring that all veterans are treated as our greatest national treasures and, this includes our homeless and at-risk veterans. The USASOA Homeless Veterans Outreach Program is supported by the USASOA Boots On the Ground Collection Campaign and the USASOA Cents For Soldiers fundraising campaign to directly impact the quality of life for those veteran in dire need.

At USASOA we believe in grassroots, on the ground to accomplish our mission. We meet veterasn where they are in life’s journey. Every month our volunteers roll up their sleeves and go to gather much needed items: toiletries, food, and clothing for our homeless and at-risk veterans. All items are then delivered to the Department of Veterans Affairs Homeless Shelter and Resource Center in Northeast Washington, DC for direct disbursement to our homeless and at-risk veterans so that they may live a healthy, safe, and dignified life.   

Combat and service related wounds are both visible and invisible. The relationship between veteran homelessness and the scars of war and service are quite unique and diverse. USASOA never ,ales a judgement about the reason why a veteran may have become homeless. Rather,  we offer the strategy, support, and direct assistance needed to secure for them the physical and mental care they need. Additionally, many of the veterans we encounter have been given 'bad paper' discharges related to incidents related to PTSD and even sexual trauma and as a result, they are disqualified from VA services which could treat the very issues that caused their discharge from the military in the first place. The number of female veterans enduring homelessness is now reaching a higher percentage rate than any other group in the overall homeless population in America.

When dealing with human nature, our passion to provide a better life for our marginalized and forgotten veterans is not enough to accomplish our stated goal and mission. Rather, we hope to encourage and motivate other organizations and citizens to join us in our effort of direct engagement. There are many reasons, issues, and challenges linked to veteran homelessness.

It has been said that the true character of a nation is seen in how it treats its veterans. Honor our veterans by taking action – join us today and show them the same commitment to improving the quality of their lives as they gave to us in defending ours.  They served us with their selfless sacrifices, in return can we do any less and truly call ourselves grateful Americans?

During the Holiday giving-season USASOA volunteers initiate our annual Winter Survival Kits For Our Homeless Veterans. However, USASOA proudly and directly supports our homeless veterans throughout the year and not just at the Holiday season.

HERE IS HOW YOU CAN BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION: The USASOA Cents For Soldiers program and the USASOA Boots On The Ground Collection Campaign can be conducted in any school, office, business, organizational group or place of worship. Contact Us for more details on how you can make a difference in the life of a veteran in need.


Click the link below to go to the USASOA Amazon Food Store where you can purchase food that is delivered directly to the VA Homeless Shelter and Resource Center, 1500 Franklin St. NE. Washington,, DC 20018. This facility also serves our elderly veterans who are food insecure.